Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Chromosomes and Fertility

Polyploidy refers to a nucleus having three or more sets of a genome.

Humans have three genomes= mom's dad's and mitochondrial

Polyploids with even sets are fertile, and odd sets are infertile.

Endopolyploidy- only part of the organism is polyploid (ex. human liver)

Alloploid- contain genomes of closely related species

Autopolyploidy- increase int he number of chromosome sets in the same species

Aneuploidy- abnormal amounts of some chromosomes

Trisomy- an extra of one chromosome (usually a small one) often developmental problems

The SRY gene in males controls maleness. As long as you have an SRY gene, you are male. 

XY and XXY without SRY or with a defective SRY are female, and possibly infertile.

XX individuals with an SRY translocation=male and infertile

X linked traits=common. 
Sex limited genes-only in one phenotype

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